Crossrail ticks Adrian Allen's box when it comes to the Best of British Engineering

10 September 2015

© Crossrail Ltd 

AMRC commercial director Adrian Allen and Science, Engineering, Manufacturing and Technologies Alliance chief executive Ann Watson are in complete agreement when it comes to nominating their favourite piece of 21st century British engineering.

The two were among 21 experts surveyed by British Airways Business Life magazine.

Experts were told they could not nominate projects their organisations had been involved with, which immediate limited the field for Adrian.

However, both he and Ann Watson named the Crossrail project to link areas to the west and east of London by a 73 mile railway line, 26 miles of it in new tunnels beneath the capital.

Adrian told BA Business Life: "It ticks all the boxes for me. It's a shining example of how British engineering in all its forms - from mechanical to electronic to civil - can be applied to benefit the community, country and the economy."

Ann Watson said: "Great British engineers have always made their mark on the world by thinking big, and Crossrail is a classic 'Great British' engineering project."

Two other projects also received double nominations - the Rolls-Royce Trent Engine and the Microsoft Kinect, developed at the company's laboratories in Cambridge.

Other projects and products nominated included the Bloodhound attempt to raise the World Land Speed Record to 1,000 miles an hour, the Raspberry Pi computer, Dyson Dual Cyclone Vacuum Cleaner and Swansea Bay Tidal Lagoon Project.

This is the second time the AMRC has featured in BA Business Life this year. The first time was in April when the AMRC was the subject of a four page feature in the magazine.

The BA Business Life feature on The Best of British Engineering can be found at The feature on the AMRC can be found at

"© Crossrail Ltd

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