Contribution of long-serving staff member honoured at annual AMRC Burn's Night celebration

01 February 2016

Tsutomu "Tom" Aikawa is leaving the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) Tsutomu "Tom" Aikawa, DMG Mori, being presented with an engraved 'Made in Sheffield' pewter tankard by Jamie Smith of the AMRC

After a three year secondment at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) with Boeing, Tsutomu "Tom" Aikawa is returning home to Japan on the 18th February.

Tom, as he is affectionately known within the AMRC, is the on-site representative for AMRC Tier 1 partner DMG Mori Seiki. During his time here at the AMRC, Tom has managed and maintained the DMG Mori Seiki CNC lathes and milling machines around the site and has always been on hand to help AMRC staff with any of the machines should they require it.

Tom is moving back to Tokyo, Japan, where he will be testing machinery to give the latest solutions to DMG Mori Seiki customers.

After a three year secondment at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) with Boeing, Tsutomu After a three year secondment at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) with Boeing, Tsutomu "Tom" Aikawa is returning home to Japan on the 18th February.

At the AMRC's annual Burns Night celebration dinner, held at the Royal Victoria Holiday Inn Hotel on 29 January 2016, Tom was presented with an engraved 'Made in Sheffield' pewter tankard to thank him for his time with us here in Rotherham.

The AMRC welcome Minoru Tanemoto, the new DMG Mori Seki representative, who is already on-site working alongside Tom before he returns home.

DMG Mori Seiki Co. Ltd. is a Japanese company, headquartered in Nakamura-ku, Nagoya, engaged primarily in the manufacture and sale of machine tools.

With its sister company in Germany, DMG Mori Seiki AG, it markets machine tools worldwide under the brand DMG Mori.

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