Powys ADAPTS Closure Event

10 December 2024 - 10 December 2024

The Powys Accelerating Decarbonisation and Productivity through Training and Skills (ADAPTS) programme was designed to support the development of the workforce in the Powys manufacturing sector, through a series of engaging and educational activities.

Throughout the programme, there has been a deep commitment to immersive knowledge transfer and upskilling, through a range of workshops and direct engagement. The programme aimed to empower the staff of Powys-based manufacturers to not only assess their current technological status, but also to explore opportunities for enhanced decarbonisation, job satisfaction and productivity.

This event will be an opportunity for participating companies and stakeholders to share their experiences. We will explore the current technological status of Powys as a region for manufacturing, as well as discuss the opportunities that have presented themselves for future development and growth.

We look forward to welcoming you to AMRC Cymru’s World Class research facility for a morning of panel discussions, tours, insights, and networking.

For more information and registration please click here.


Lluniwyd rhaglen ADAPTS Powys i gefnogi datblygiad gweithlu’r sector gweithgynhyrchu ym Mhowys drwy gyfres o weithgareddau difyr ac addysgol.

Drwy gydol y rhaglen, roedd ymrwymiad dwfn i ddulliau ymdrwythol o drosglwyddo gwybodaeth ac uwchsgilio drwy amrywiaeth o weithdai ac ymgysylltu uniongyrchol. Nod y rhaglen oedd grymuso staff gwneuthurwyr ym Mhowys i asesu eu statws technolegol presennol ac i edrych ar gyfleoedd i wella datgarboneiddio, boddhad mewn swyddi a chynhyrchiant.

Bydd y digwyddiad hwn yn gyfle i gwmnïau a rhanddeiliaid rannu eu profiadau. Byddwn yn edrych ar statws technolegol presennol Powys fel rhanbarth ar gyfer gweithgynhyrchu, yn ogystal â thrafod y cyfleoedd sydd wedi’u cyflwyno eu hunain ar gyfer datblygu a thyfu yn y dyfodol.

Rydyn ni’n edrych ymlaen at eich croesawu i gyfleuster ymchwil o'r radd flaenaf AMRC Cymru ar gyfer bore o drafodaethau panel, teithiau, mewnwelediadau a rhwydweithio.

Am fwy o wybodaeth a dolen gofrestru cliciwch yma.

Event Address:

Chester Road
United Kingdom

Event Organiser: