Intellectual property & creative thinking

01 July 2013

The new AMRC Design Prototype & Test Centre presents two interactive seminars to show how manufacturers can benefit from the centre's design and development expertise.

IP primer: Have you got a patent for that?
Tuesday 16 July: a half-day seminar taking a fresh and accessible approach to the issues of identifying and exploiting IP rights, with a focus on patents and designs. We look at the entire innovation process, from concept through to commercialisation, and set out the context in which IP rights arise and how they can help your business. Download the flyer.

Creative thinking: Do you need an innovation boost?
Thursday 18 July: a half-day workshop which will provide insight into how you can effectively apply creative thinking to product design and development, and how different methods for idea generation and assessment can provide your organisation with a real innovation boost. Download the flyer.

Both events are free to SMEs based in the Yorkshire & Humber region.

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