Composites Innovation 2016 - Advances in Automation

23 March 2016

Composite robot

NetComposites presents COMPOSITES INNOVATION 2016 Sponsored by the AMRC with Boeing, an international conference taking place on 22-23rd June 2016 at the Mercure Sheffield St Paul's Hotel, UK.

This conference will explore developments related to new and advanced manufacturing processes for products made of composite materials, with particular focus on innovation related to the automation of processes for light-weighting and increased composites production rates, including:

  • Automated fibre reinforced thermoplastic taped placement
  • Advanced joining technology for hybrid structures
  • Next generation of thermoset composite manufacturing and post-processing
  • Rapid manufacturing using new environmental friendly processes for Resin Transfer Moulding

Composites Innovation will also feature a tour of the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC), highlighting:

  • Composite Machining
  • Advanced Curing
  • Automated Production
  • Novel Materials and Processes

Plus an overview presentation of the AMRC's expertise in carbon fibre composite materials and it's capabilities.

Delegate Rate - £425.00
Student Rate - £300.00
Speaker Rate - £300.00

All prices plus VAT

Register here:


Exhibition Options

Promote your institution or organisation at Composites Innovation 2016 on 22-23 June.

Our exhibition packages are designed to provide the opportunity to market your brand with a range of benefits, both at the event and online, which will include:

  • Excellent dissemination opportunity
  • Raised brand awareness
  • Enhanced digital profile
  • Audience engagement
  • Entertainment opportunities for clients and staff
  • Take the hassle out of exhibiting. For a one-off fee let us create your enhanced, premium or deluxe stand and we will design, deliver and build your exhibition area ready for your arrival.

We ask that exhibitors place orders by 27th May 2016. Please note that space is offered on a first come, first served basis.

Additional options

  • Poster placement - £60 (includes A0 print and delivery)
  • Lanyards (if available) - up to two colour print - £350
  • Delegate pack insert - £195

Basic Package £225
1 table + 2 chairs

Enhanced £350
1 table + 2 chairs
1m wide graphic backdrop with LED downlight

1 table + 2 chairs
2m wide graphic backdrop with 2 LED downlights

Deluxe £755
1 table + 2 chairs
2m wide graphic backdrop with 2 LED downlights

Spaces are limited - book now by clicking here!

Day 1 - 22nd June

09:00Registration, Exhibition and Networking
Session 1: Automated Lay-up of Composites - part 1
10:00Keynote: TBC
10:25Recent Advances in the Automated Processing of Thermoplastic Tapes - Stellar Project
Tido Peters, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT
10:50Automated Manufacturing for Mass Production
Matthew Frost, Coriolis Composites
11:15Refreshment Break, Exhibition and Networking
Session 2: Process Simulation & Planning
11:40Developments in Programming and Simulation for Composite Lay-up Manufacturing
John Reed, CG Tech
12:05Context Aware Computing Leverages the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to Create a Rich Digital Context and Weave the Digital Thread for Automated and Optimised Decision Making in Composites Manufacturing
Clive Chitiz, Plataine
12:30Simulating the Forming of Thermoplastic Composites
Tim Surry, Altair
12:55Lunch, Exhibition and Networking
Session 3: Materials
14:00Growing Pains: Scaling Basalt Manufacture from 200 to 20000 tonnes
David Simmons, Mafic
14:25A Novel Thermoplastic Composite Prepreg of Discontinuous Carbon Fibres and Polypropylene Matrix
M.Akonda, Tilsatec
14:503D Woven Near-Net Shape Preforms
Hassan El-Dessouky, AMRC
15:15Integrating Thermal Highways into Cast Aluminium Parts - Thermaco Project
Rosario Squatrito, University of Bologna
15:40Refreshment Break, Exhibition and Networking
Session 4: Resin Transfer Moulding and Infusion
16:05Recent Advances in Powder Coating Technology for use in the RTM Process - Ecogel Project
Fernando Castro, Ecoinnova and Raquel Giner Borrull, AIMPLAS
16:30Manufacturing Large Composite Structures by Direct Infusion
Stephen Leonard-Williams, Composites Integration
19:30 - 20:00Conference Dinner

Day 2 - 23rd June

09:00Registration, Exhibition and Networking
09:30Travel to AMRC
Composites Innovation at the AMRC
10:00Groups 1, 2 & 3 - Composites Centre Tour
  • Composites Machining
  • Advances Curing
  • Automated Production
  • Novel Materials and Processes

Groups 4, 5 & 6 - AMRC Capabilities Presentation

10:45Groups 4, 5 & 6 - Composites Centre Tour
  • Composites Machining
  • Advances Curing
  • Automated Production
  • Novel Materials and Processes

Groups 1, 2 & 3 - AMRC Capabilities Presentation

11:30Return to Conference Venue
12:00Lunch, Exhibition and Networking
13:00AMRC Member Presentation
Session 5: Automated Lay-up of Composites - part 2
13:25Hybrid Structures Manufactured by Using Thermoplastic Tape Placement for Local Reinforcement Build-up
Ralf Schledjewski, Montanuniversit

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