Ffatri 4.0: Future production lines

Helping SME manufacturers overcome challenges of establishing smart production lines

Welsh translation


Disruptive technologies and trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT), virtual reality and artificial intelligence are changing the way people live and work.

This fast-paced paradigm shift in global operations and interaction has demanded the need for all industry players to begin a digital transformation journey that supports the new data-driven sustainable business ecosystem. Interestingly, companies already on this digitalisation journey would remain relevant in this new ecosystem.

Industries need guidance on how to employ Industry 4.0 concepts and technologies as they embark on this digitalisation journey, which is the main focus of this project, with findings derived from real-world scenarios.

The increasing integration of strategic innovations in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with Operational Technologies (OT) has given rise to Industry 4.0 concepts and technologies used today, to transform existing manufacturing environments into smart manufacturing environments that support data-driven operations.

Manufacturing companies, especially small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are being encouraged to understand their digitalisation needs and to develop and implement tailored transformation plans. Larger corporations may have entire teams devoted to this journey - but it’s not always the case for SMEs. Either way, there seems to be a lack of understanding on where to start, what to do, how to do it and how to evaluate the business impact.

The project addressed the challenges of establishing smart production lines using The Pudding Compartment, an SME based in Flint, as a case study.

The project framework supports industry in these key areas:

  • Identification and understanding of digitalisation requirements that meets the manufacturers productivity requirements;
  • Identification of improvement opportunities within existing manufacturing processes to meet the manufacturers productivity requirements;
  • Identification of data required to support operational and strategic business decisions using discrete manufacturing processes, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions and data analytics;
  • Design of IIoT solutions to access, manage, analyse and visualise data gathered from a geographically remote production facility in real-time.


Funded by the Welsh Government, Ffatri 4.0 is a collaboration between the University of Sheffield Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) Cymru, Airbus and The Pudding Compartment. It looks at how businesses can continue to increase productivity while meeting net zero carbon emissions targets through smart technologies. It is based on the premise that the sustainability and productivity goals of the manufacturing sector can be accelerated through the successful adoption and integration of digital manufacturing technologies.

The Future Production Lines project focuses on methods and technologies to establish smart production lines for The Pudding Compartment in the food and drink sector. This project investigates how novel, innovative technology can benefit industry to achieve improved production line output.

Ffatri 4.0 is a ready-to-go framework with proven success that will create a blueprint for future manufacturing companies and their associated supply chains. Through implementation and use of Industry 4.0 technologies, the framework will improve business resilience, support businesses to achieve world-class standards in productivity and support businesses on the journey to reach net zero by 2050 through efficiency improvements.

The Ffatri 4.0 R&D programme used internal expertise from AMRC Cymru and industrial partners.


Virtual reality factory layout model

The Pudding Compartment factory was scanned and used to develop a virtual reality (VR) model of the factory. This included the factory layout, existing machineries and prospective machines. This VR model was used to analyse the factory’s layout and investigate optimal layout settings for the existing site, along with the addition of new machineries.

The Pudding Compartment virtual reality (VR) factory layout model.

IIoT solution

An Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solution was developed using the Siemens Mindsphere platform, a cloud-based solution that supported the company to collect and manage its business data (business and operational). It is also able to create, analyse and visualise data in predefined perspectives. This integrated platform solution o ers digital connectivity to a physical space (on the shop floor), a database, data management applications, analytic applications and visualisation interfaces.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solution architecture.

Digital twin DES model

A digital twin model using discrete-event simulation (DES) was created to simulate and replay production processes, as well as generate statistical data for analytics. The model incorporates IoT data stored in the Cloud for analysis and simulation. The model can perform diagnostic analysis to identify and analyse production bottlenecks, conduct 'what-if' simulations to optimise production configurations, determine optimal machine calibrations and use predictive analysis for future production setups.

The Pudding Compartment digital twin discrete-event simulation (DES) model.

Visualised simulation results of the Pudding Compartment digital twin discrete-event simulation (DES) model.


The IIoT solution developed using the Siemens Mindsphere offers a comprehensive Cloud-based service that includes data management, analytics and visualisation solutions. This fully integrated IIoT environment allows seamless interconnectivity across multiple applications, avoiding bottlenecks that could disrupt digitalisation solutions and create information silos throughout a product's lifecycle.

With all product-related data stored, managed and accessible to all interested parties, this solution eliminates any potential data access issues.

The factory IoT data stored in Siemens Mindsphere was used to build more accurate, calibrated simulation models. By using this stored operational data in modelling and simulation, analytics results are more fact-based, presenting a more accurate virtual representation of the business.

With the Mindsphere Factory twin connection that links the IoT data and the digital twin model, production replay was achieved, which improves both diagnostic and descriptive capabilities of the simulation model.


It was important for the team at The Pudding Compartment to have digital tools so they could create a holistic picture of the business using real data. Engagement across the supply chain has also improved by using a digital platform.

The management team within the company now has a better understanding of their digital needs and a tailored transformation plan for business growth. And they’re now equipped with the resources to plan and manage their digitalisation journey.

Automation has increased production capacity with impacts on management and strategic planning.

The Pudding Compartment has a better dynamic template that integrates all related business and operational data with analytic capabilities, supporting daily operations and business decisions. It also has a developmental plan with a better strategic management plan, based on factual and simulation data.

Astudiaeth Achos: Ffatri 4.0 - Llinellau cynhyrchu’r dyfodol

Helpu gweithgynhyrchwyr BBaChau i oresgyn heriau sefydlu llinellau cynhyrchu clyfar 

Yr Her

Mae’r Pedwerydd Chwyldro Diwydiannol presennol yn defnyddio data a thechnegau digidoleiddio i sbarduno’r newidiadau parhaus sy’n mynd rhagddynt yn yr economi fyd-eang, diwydiannu a busnes. Mae technolegau a thueddiadau aflonyddgar fel y Rhyngrwyd Pethau (IoT), realiti rhithwir a deallusrwydd artiffisial yn newid y ffordd mae pobl yn byw ac yn gweithio.

Mae’r newid patrwm cyflym hwn mewn gweithrediadau a rhyngweithio byd-eang wedi golygu bod angen i holl gyfranogwyr diwydiant ddechrau taith drawsnewid ddigidol sy’n cefnogi’r ecosystem fusnes gynaliadwy newydd sy’n cael ei gyrru gan ddata. Yn ddiddorol, byddai cwmnïau sydd eisoes ar y daith ddigidoleiddio hon yn dal yn berthnasol yn yr ecosystem newydd hon.

Mae diwydiannau angen arweiniad ar sut i ddefnyddio cysyniadau a thechnolegau Diwydiant 4.0 wrth iddynt gychwyn ar y daith ddigidoleiddio hon, sef prif ffocws y prosiect hwn, gyda chanfyddiadau’n deillio o sefyllfaoedd yn y byd go iawn.

Mae’r gwaith cynyddol o integreiddio dulliau arloesi strategol mewn Technoleg Gwybodaeth a Chyfathrebu (ICT) â Thechnolegau Gweithredol (OT) wedi arwain at gysyniadau a thechnolegau Diwydiant 4.0 a ddefnyddir heddiw, a hynny er mwyn trawsnewid amgylcheddau gweithgynhyrchu presennol yn amgylcheddau gweithgynhyrchu clyfar sy’n cefnogi gweithrediadau sy’n cael eu gyrru gan ddata.

Mae cwmnïau gweithgynhyrchu, yn enwedig busnesau bach a chanolig (BBaChau), yn cael eu hannog i ddeall eu hanghenion digidoleiddio, ac i ddatblygu a gweithredu cynlluniau trawsnewid wedi’u teilwra. Efallai fod gan gorfforaethau mwy dimau cyfan wedi’u neilltuo ar gyfer y daith hon – ond nid yw bob amser yn wir am fusnesau bach a chanolig. Y naill ffordd neu’r llall, mae’n ymddangos bod diffyg dealltwriaeth ynghylch ble i ddechrau, beth i’w wneud, sut i’w wneud a sut i werthuso effaith y busnes.

Roedd y prosiect yn mynd i’r afael â’r heriau o sefydlu llinellau cynhyrchu clyfar gan ddefnyddio BBaCH The Pudding Compartment fel astudiaeth achos. 

Mae fframwaith y prosiect yn cefnogi diwydiant yn y meysydd allweddol hyn:

  • Adnabod a deall gofynion digidoleiddio sy'n bodloni gofynion cynhyrchiant y gweithgynhyrchwyr;
  • Nodi cyfleoedd i wella prosesau gweithgynhyrchu presennol er mwyn bodloni gofynion cynhyrchiant y gweithgynhyrchwyr;
  • Nodi’r data sydd ei angen i gefnogi penderfyniadau busnes gweithredol a strategol gan ddefnyddio prosesau gweithgynhyrchu arwahanol, datrysiadau’r Rhyngrwyd Pethau Diwydiannol (IIoT) a dadansoddeg data;
  • Dylunio datrysiadau IIoT i gyrchu, rheoli, dadansoddi a delweddu data a gasglwyd o gyfleuster cynhyrchu daearyddol anghysbell mewn amser real.

Y Cefndir 

Mae Ffatri 4.0, a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru, yn gydweithrediad rhwng Canolfan Ymchwil Gweithgynhyrchu Uwch Prifysgol Sheffield (AMRC) Cymru, Airbus a chwmnïau bwyd a diod. Mae’n edrych ar sut gall busnesau barhau i gynyddu cynhyrchiant ar yr un pryd â chyrraedd targedau allyriadau carbon sero net drwy ddefnyddio technolegau clyfar. Mae’n seiliedig ar y rhagdybiaeth y gellir cyflymu nodau cynaliadwyedd a chynhyrchiant y sector gweithgynhyrchu drwy fabwysiadu ac integreiddio technolegau gweithgynhyrchu digidol yn llwyddiannus.

Mae prosiect Llinellau Cynhyrchu’r Dyfodol yn canolbwyntio ar dechnolegau a dulliau gweithredu llinellau cynhyrchu’r dyfodol ar draws dau sector busnes hynod wahanol; yn yr achos hwn, gyda phartneriaid diwydiannol ym maes awyrofod, ac ym maes bwyd a diod gyda The Pudding Compartment. Mae'r prosiect hwn yn ymchwilio i sut y gall technoleg newydd ac arloesol fod o fudd i'r diwydiant er mwyn sicrhau bod llinellau cynhyrchu yn creu gwell allbwn.

Mae Ffatri 4.0 yn fframwaith sefydlog gyda llwyddiant amlwg a fydd yn creu glasbrint ar gyfer cwmnïau gweithgynhyrchu yn y dyfodol a’u cadwyni cyflenwi cysylltiedig. Drwy weithredu a defnyddio technolegau Diwydiant 4.0, bydd y fframwaith yn gwella cadernid busnes, yn cefnogi busnesau i gyflawni safonau cynhyrchiant o’r radd flaenaf, ac yn cefnogi busnesau ar y daith i gyrraedd sero net erbyn 2050 drwy welliannau effeithlonrwydd.

Roedd rhaglen Ymchwil a Datblygu Ffatri 4.0 yn defnyddio arbenigedd mewnol gan AMRC Cymru a phartneriaid diwydiannol.


Model realiti rhithwir o gynllun ffatri 

Cafodd ffatri The Pudding Compartment ei sganio a’i defnyddio i ddatblygu model realiti rhithwir (VR). Roedd hyn yn cynnwys cynllun y ffatri, peiriannau presennol a darpar beiriannau. Defnyddiwyd y model VR hwn i ddadansoddi cynllun y ffatri, ymchwilio i’r cynllun gorau posibl ar gyfer y safle presennol, ac ychwanegu peiriannau newydd.

Image: Cynllun ffatri wedi’i sganio o The Pudding Compartment.

Datrysiad IIoT

Datblygwyd datrysiad y Rhyngrwyd Pethau Diwydiannol (IIoT) gan ddefnyddio llwyfan Siemens Mindsphere ; datrysiad yn y Cwmwl a gefnogodd y cwmni i gasglu a rheoli eu data busnes (busnes a gweithredol). Mae hefyd yn gallu creu, dadansoddi a delweddu data mewn persbectifau sydd wedi’u diffinio ymlaen llaw. Mae’r llwyfan integredig hwn yn cynnig cysylltedd digidol i ofod ffisegol (ar lawr y siop), cronfa ddata, rhaglenni rheoli data, rhaglenni dadansoddol, a rhyngwynebau delweddu.

Image: Saernïaeth datrys y Rhyngrwyd Pethau Diwydiannol (IIoT).

Model DES gefell ddigidol

Cafodd model gefell ddigidol, sy’n defnyddio’r dechneg o efelychu digwyddiad arwahanol (DES), ei greu i efelychu ac ailchwarae prosesau cynhyrchu, a chynhyrchu data ystadegol ar gyfer dadansoddeg. Mae'r model yn ymgorffori data'r Rhyngrwyd Pethau a gedwir yn y Cwmwl ar gyfer dadansoddi ac efelychu. Gall y model gynnal dadansoddiad diagnostig i nodi a dadansoddi tagfeydd cynhyrchu, cynnal efelychiadau 'beth-os' i optimeiddio ffurfweddiadau cynhyrchu, pennu calibradau peiriant gorau posibl, a defnyddio dadansoddiad rhagfynegol ar gyfer gosodiadau cynhyrchu yn y dyfodol.

Image: Model gefell ddigidol yn defnyddio’r dechneg o efelychu digwyddiad arwahanol (DES) The Pudding Compartment.

Image:  Canlyniadau efelychiad gweledol model gefell ddigidol yn defnyddio’r dechneg o efelychu digwyddiad arwahanol (DES) The Pudding Compartment


Mae’r datrysiad IIoT a ddatblygwyd gan ddefnyddio Siemens Mindsphere yn cynnig gwasanaeth Cwmwl cynhwysfawr sy’n cynnwys rheoli data, dadansoddeg ac atebion delweddu. Mae'r amgylchedd IIoT cwbl integredig hwn yn caniatáu rhyng-gysylltu di-dor ar draws nifer o gymwysiadau, gan osgoi tagfeydd a allai amharu ar ddatrysiadu digidoleiddio a chreu seilos gwybodaeth drwy gydol cylch bywyd cynnyrch. Gyda’r holl ddata sy’n gysylltiedig â chynnyrch yn cael eu storio, eu rheoli, ac ar gael i bawb sydd â diddordeb ynddo, mae’r datrysiad yn dileu unrhyw broblemau posibl o ran cael gafael ar ddata.

Defnyddiwyd data IoT y ffatri a storiwyd yn Siemens Mindsphere i greu modelau efelychu mwy cywir wedi’u calibradu. Drwy ddefnyddio’r data gweithredol hwn sydd wedi’i storio mewn prosesau modelu ac efelychu, mae canlyniadau dadansoddeg yn fwy seiliedig ar ffeithiau, gan gyflwyno darlun rhithiol fwy cywir o’r busnes.

Gyda’r ddau gysylltiad Ffatri Mindsphere yn cysylltu data'r Rhyngrwyd Pethau a'r model gefell ddigidol, llwyddwyd i ailchwarae cynhyrchiad, sy'n gwella galluoedd diagnostig a disgrifiadol y model efelychu.


Roedd yn bwysig bod gan y tîm yn The Pudding Compartment offer digidol, felly gallai greu darlun cyfannol o’r busnes gan ddefnyddio data go iawn. Mae ymgysylltu ar draws y gadwyn gyflenwi hefyd wedi gwella drwy ddefnyddio llwyfan digidol.

Erbyn hyn, mae gan y tîm rheoli yn y cwmni well dealltwriaeth o’u hanghenion digidol a chynllun trawsnewid wedi’i deilwra ar gyfer twf busnes. Bellach, mae’r adnoddau i gynllunio a rheoli eu taith ddigidoleiddio ganddyn nhw.

Mae prosesau awtomatiaeth wedi cynyddu eu capasiti cynhyrchu ac wedi effeithio ar ddulliau rheoli a chynllunio strategol.

Mae gan The Pudding Compartment dempled deinamig gwell sy’n integreiddio’r holl ddata busnes a gweithredol cysylltiedig â galluoedd dadansoddol sy’n cefnogi gweithrediadau dyddiol a phenderfyniadau busnes. Mae ganddo gynllun datblygu hefyd gyda chynllun rheoli strategol gwell, yn seiliedig ar ddata ffeithiol a data efelychu.

If you’re an SME manufacturer looking to better understand your energy usage, increase productivity, reduce your carbon footprint and improve sustainability in your supply chain, then please get in touch by heading to our website and filling out our form.

AMRC Cymru can work with SME manufacturing companies to implement the Ffatri 4.0 sustainability framework in your workplace.

Os ydych chi’n weithgynhyrchwr BBaCh sy’n awyddus i fynd i’r afael â’r heriau sy’n gysylltiedig â sefydlu llinellau cynhyrchu clyfar yn eich cwmni yn y dyfodol, cysylltwch â ni drwy lenwi’r ffurflen isod.

Gall AMRC Cymru weithio gyda chwmnïau gweithgynhyrchu BBaChau i gynnal asesiadau llinell cynhyrchu Ffatri 4.0 yn eich gweithle.